Sunday, November 2, 2008

死掉 了。。。

今天一大早就教课,刚刚也从Times Square回来公司,好累哦!!!病了差不多一个礼拜,到现在还没有康复!我的喉咙在高喊:“我要休息!”


为了恢复我漂亮的嗓音,从现在开始我决定不说话、不唱歌、或是用假音说话。。。(有可能吗??)因为接下来需要为环东艺校7周年8/11 & 9/11的开放日做准备,还得苦练舞蹈,后天要为娱協奖试造型,教课等等。。。。



Anonymous said...

Trust me, you will recover and you will get better voice than before, your fever is just an explanation that your stardom is getting "hot", so don't worry, rest more and worry less, especially your class, I'm sure everyone would want you to take your time to get enough rest and get well, nobody wants to see you forcing yourself to teach at this time.

Anonymous said...

好心酸哦~看到你那么辛苦!!要加油啦~曾经说过想当你的头号粉丝。。在你发片后,但看来不可能咯!不过看到你多了那么多粉丝,实在为你高兴(别让我知道,全部都是你用其他ACC假扮的)哈哈。 努力吧,但记得别忽列你的声音啊!(时常叫我们要好好保养的)关自己在家看蜡笔小新吧!(又爆料了!!)哈哈,明天记者会登为头条吧!!真的那么不舒服,环东那里请假吧~(没有你不会死的啦!!)哈哈。。。加油吧!把你表演的片段放上布落格啊(该不会是还没学会放吧?!)哈哈还是可以告诉我那里可以观看吗?好想看呀!对了,还记得jocelyn吗?她给你教过一堂课!我在我大学遇到她,记得她吗?保重啊。。。。傻婆(好不尊敬老师啦我!!)。哈哈

Anonymous said...

嘉轩老师, please take good care of your health. Don't over stress your voice ... afraid that it may cause damage to your throat. Maybe you could try Dequadine or Deflam lozenges that can be bought from pharmacies. Seems to work when I have soar throat =) Don't always try to be a Super Woman =P. Sometimes its ok to take a good rest backstage and don't over stress on stage. As fans we understand and always want you to be well =) Protect your precious & valuable asset (voice) like you always advise us. We still want to hear more of your nice voice in the future. Taurus people are quite stubborn headed though ... hehe ^^ !!! No matter what, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take GOOD CARE of your health alway =) !!! All The Best In Everything You Do.